Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Panning for Gold on the Internet

Resources for Gold Prospecting and Panning in Maryland

We often get requests for information about gold, gold panning and prospecting in Maryland. The following list represents all of the information and literature the Survey has about gold. If you would like to add to or change this information, please let us know.

Topic Resource Type
Gold in Maryland Gold in Maryland (MGS Brochure) HTML and brochure
1953 Geologic maps of the Great Falls Gold District HTML
1968 Geologic map of Maryland HTML
Gold and Other Minerals of Rock Run, Montgomery County, Maryland HTML
Historic Mines of Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park Adobe PDF
Walter A. Goetz is a leading authority on gold mining in Maryland. Mr. Geotz writes:

I did extensive research, identified and corrected references that other authors had "copied", and personally located and verified the "on site" remains of the gold mines. In reference to Maryland gold mines, I have a very large collection of books and memorabilia, photographs, vintage maps, reference documents, copies of vintage newspaper articles, and other references. I started this research 30 years ago and continue to update and expand my collection. I'm always interested in learning more and acquiring more documentation on Maryland gold mining history.

Mr. Goetz has written the following publications on gold mining in Maryland:

  • Maryland Gold Fever (revised 1996, 50 pages, 8 1/2"x 11", including foldout map of mines and locations, plus 5 pg. bibliography) $9.50 postage paid.
  • Montgomery County Gold Fever (1988, 54 pages, 8 1/2"x 11", foldout map, plus 5 pg. bibliography) $8.50 postage paid.
  • Fairfax Gold Fever (1984, 35 pages, 8 1/2"x 11",including bibliography, referring to Fairfax County, Virginia, on the same gold vein that crosses the Potomac River from Montgomery County, Maryland.) $6.50 postage paid.
  • Gold Mining in Great Falls of Maryland (1975, 16"x22" map) $1.25

These books are can be ordered (postpaid) directly from Mr. Goetz :
Mr. Walter Goetz
9107 Kirkdale Road
Bethesda, Maryland 20817

Prospecting for Gold Near Washington, DC. HTML
Gold Prospecting
The "Big Ten" home page — maps  for gold prospecting, panning, mining, treasure hunting, metal detecting, rockhounding and other outdoor recreation activities.
A Resource Center for Gold Maps for The Recreational Prospector HTML
USGS: Prospecting for Gold in the United States
How to Pan for Gold by Robin C. Hale, Public Information Series No. 2, Tennessee Division of Geololgy PDF file

This pamphlet was prepared by Dr. James P. Reger.
Compiled by the Maryland Geological Survey, 2300 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218
This electronic version of "Gold Resources on the Internet " was prepared by Bob Conkwright, Division of Coastal and Estuarine Geology, Maryland Geological Survey.