Environmental Geology

Environmental Geology research at MGS is performed by staff in the Coastal and Environmental Geology Program. Scientific studies and surveys of the geology of Maryland are performed to assess the economic and land resources and geologic hazards.
Why is it important?
This work:
- Contributes to the safety and well-being of the citizens of Maryland and the reduction of potential infrastructure damage by accurately delineating potential geohazards, such as sink holes, faults and earthquakes;
- Provides accurate geologic information to federal, state, county and local agencies so that sound, science-based policy and regulatory decisions can be made;
- Works cooperatively with numerous agencies at federal state and local levels to maximize efficiency in data collection/analysis and streamline the use of geologic information in solving multidisciplinary issues.
What are some key accomplishments?
- The installation and maintenance of two seismic stations in Maryland providing high quality real-time data to monitor local earth movement and assess risk for earthquake damage.
- The development and production of geologic maps, including geohazard and geologic resource maps, in print and in digital formats compatible with geographic information systems (GIS), which increases usability of information and is consistent with government, public and private sector needs.