Shark Fossils
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![]() | Carcharodon megalodon (Charlesworth). | ||
la) Inner face of an anterior tooth with slender,
erect crown. Plum Point.
1b) Profile of the same specimen. 1c) Outer face of the same specimen. 2) Inner face of a small-sized, slightly worn specimen within thin, flat crown of the variety styled "C. productus Agassiz." Plum Point. 3) Inner face of a large-sized lateral tooth. Fairhaven. |
Figs. 4a, 4b. Vertebral centrum of Carcharodon sp. | |||
4a) Vertebral face. Plum Point.
4b) Haemal aspect of the same specimen. |
Family LAMNIDAE Müller and Henle.
Genus CARCHARODON Agassiz.
Carcharodon megalodon (Charlesworth)
Carcharias megalodon Charlesworth, 1837 (ex Agassiz MS.), Mag. Nat. Hist. n. s.,
vol. i, p. 225, woodc. fig. 24.
Carcharodon megalodon Agassiz, 1843, Poiss. Foss., vol. iii, p. 247, pl. xxix.
Carcharodon megalodon Gibbes, 1849, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 2nd ser., vol. i,
p. 143, pl. xviii, pl. xix, figs. 8, 9.
Carcharodon rectus Agassiz, 1856, Rept. Pac. R. R. Explor. and Surv., vol. v, p. 314,
pl. i, figs. 29-31.
Carcharodon rectus Agassiz, 1856, Amer. Jour. Sci., ser. ii, vol. xxi, p. 274.
Carcharodon megalodon Emmons, 1858, Rept. N. Car. Geol. Survey, p. 227, fig. 50.
Carcharodon ferox Emmons, 1858, Rept. N. Car. Geol. Survey, p. 229, figs. 52-54.
Carcharodon triangularis Emmons, 1858, Rept. N. Car. Geol. Survey, p. 232, fig. 59.
Carcharodon megalodon Leidy, 1877, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 2nd ser., vol. viii,
p. 253.
Description.— Teeth attaining a very
large size, comparatively broad and robust, the outer coronal face flat or slightly
convex, the apex sometimes gently curved outwards; distinct lateral denticles
The teeth of Carcharodon, which are such
a conspicuous feature in the Eocene of South Carolina and other states, appear
to diminish in abundance proceeding northward, and ascending in the geological
series. They are extremely rare in the Maryland Eocene, and are not at all common
in the Miocene. The lateral tooth from Fairhaven, shown in Plate XXXI,
Fig. 3, is one of the largest found in this state, although it is exceeded
in size by some of the same species from South Carolina, California and Peru.
Those from Plum Point are mostly of small size, comparatively speaking, and
have thinner and flatter crowns, as shown in Plate XXXI, Fig.
2. These agree with the teeth described by Agassiz as a distinct species
under the name of C. productus, but now regarded as a variety of the
present form. " Carcharodon angustidens " (= C. auriculatus
Agassiz) is recorded from Charles County by Cope, but no examples exist in the
Occurrence.— Calvert formation. Charles
County near the Patuxent
river, Plum Point, Fairhaven.
Collections.— Maryland Geological
Survey, Johns Hopkins University,
Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences.
updated 3/2/05
(these web pages were prepared by R. D. Conkwright)