Calvert Cliffs Fossils
by Jeanne D. McLennan
The Calvert Cliffs on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Calvert County are justly famous as a fossil collecting area. The fossiliferous deposits belong to the Chesapeake Group of Miocene age geological strata in the Atlantic Coastal Plain region. These deposits are exposed in cliffs up to 100 feet high between Chesapeake Beach and Drum Point and constitute the most complete section of Miocene deposits in the eastern United States.
The Miocene was a period of uplift in Middle America and the Antillean
region, that was accompanied by folding of the crust of the earth and
volcanism. Erosion of the recently uplifted areas produced extensive
deposits of clay, sand and marl. Some of these sediments were consolidated,
forming shales and sandstone. During this time, North and South America
were united, and the island of Florida joined the Georgia mainland. The
North American continent assumed approximately its present outlines.
The Chesapeake Group is divided into three formations. The oldest, the Calvert Formation, is composed of diatomaceous earth and dark sandy clays and marl. It is overlain by the yellowish sand and greenish clay and marl of the Choptank formation. The youngest deposits belong to the St. Marys Formation, which, as exposed at Little Cove Point, consists of bluish sandy clay and fine sandstone. The silty and sandy content of the Miocene deposits in Maryland was derived from the erosion of older Coastal Plain deposits and crystalline rocks of the Piedmont region. The calcareous deposits are organic in origin.
The first fossil described from North America was found in deposits
of the St. Marys Formation. This fossil, Ecphora quadricostata, shown
on the cover, was illustrated in a work on Mollusca published in England
in 1685.
At the base of the Calvert Formation are varying thicknesses of gray
to white diatomaceous earth which formed from the siliceous tests (coverings)
of myriad microscopic aquatic plants called diatoms. In the deposits
above the diatomaceous earth is a unique assemblage of fossils. Representatives
of nearly every animal phylum have been identified here. Of the 624 species
identified, 408 are of Mollusca.
Whales are the most abundant marine vertebrates, and are found associated with porpoises, dolphins, and sea cows. Sharks and rays were plentiful as evidenced by the number of teeth and dental plates found. The birds are represented by the booby, gannet, fulmar, and shearwater, all of which may be found along sea coasts today. Remains of fresh water and marine turtles and land tortoises also occur. Crocodile teeth may be found occasionally, so perhaps these animals made their nests in the sand of the Calvert Formation.
Of the Mollusca, gastropods and pelecypods are the most numerous, but
cephalopods are rare. Only one species of brachipod has been found. Echinoderms,
crabs, and barnacles are represented, and worm boreholes also occur.
Some tentative conclusions on the environments in which these animals
lived may be drawn from the assemblage of fossils in the Chesapeake Group.
From the two species of corals found it is considered that the sea was
too cool for reef corals and too shallow for deep-sea forms. On the other
hand, the presence of whales and porpoises indicates that there was free
access to the open sea. Evidence suggests that during the Miocene Period
the Chesapeake Embayment was a shallow, temperate sea that covered Southern
Maryland. It was bordered by low sandy shores, tidal marshes, and fresh
water swamps with bald cypress. There are indications that a progressive
but slight cooling of the temperature occurred from Calvert to St. Marys
time. In the Pliocene that followed, there was a rise in temperature.
The skeletal remains of such land fauna as tapirs, mastodons, rhinoceros, horses, and dogs are sometimes found here. The occurrence of these animals may be accounted for in several ways. It is quite probable that the embayment was fed by fresh water streams and rivers; therefore during floods or seasonal rains these animals could have been swept downstream from their natural habitat. On the other hand, the animals may have been mired in the swamps or trapped at the foot of banks by high tides. The marine mammal remains are generally disarticulated. Unless the carcasses were covered rapidly by sediment, they would have been eaten by predators, or the bones would have been scattered by surf or by tidal scour.
The public beaches on the shore of Calvert County are a rewarding area
for collectors of well-preserved fossil shells and sharks teeth. Sometimes
small, very round holes will be noted in the shells. These were caused
by borers that attacked the living Mollusca, and are not man-made. In
general, the fossil shells may be distinguished from present day forms
by the fact that their shells are usually thicker and are chalky white
or gray. Modern shells are more colorful and often are glossy.
The most comprehensive guide for the identification of specimens is the book Miocene Plates, the companion volume to the report Miocene Text. A smaller and simplified version of these two books, Miocene Fossils of Maryland, by Harold E. Vokes is useful. All of these are publications of the Maryland Geological Survey.
Collecting at the base of the high cliffs is not recommended. Access
to the area is difficult, and most of the land is privately owned. In
addition, large blocks often fall from the overhanging cliffs and can
cause serious accidents.
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Suggested Readings
Clark, W.B., and others, 1904, Miocene Text: Maryland Geological Survey Systematic Report, 509 pp.
Clark, W.B., and others, 1904, Miocene Plates: Maryland Geological Survey, Systematic Report, 135 plates.
Gernant, R.E., Gibson, T.G., and Whitmore, F.C., 1971, Environmental History of Maryland Miocene: Maryland Geological Survey Guidebook No. 3, 58 pp.
Godfrey, S.J. (Volume editor), 2018, The Geology and Vertebrate Paleontology of Calvert Cliffs, Maryland: Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology, number 100, 274 pp.
Vokes, H.E., 1957, Miocene fossils of Maryland: Maryland Geological Survey Bulletin 20, 85 p