Maryland Department of Natural Resources



The National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP) is administered by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). NGGDPP grants fund several activities pertaining to the preservation of geologic and geophysical collections and information pertaining to the potential for Maryland rocks to contain critical minerals resources for the United States (USGS 2022 List of Critical Minerals ). All NGGDPP funds requested must be matched at 100% (minimum) with state funds.

“Sample Gates”, Indiana University
“Sample Gates”, Indiana University

Currently, the MGS is working on its 16th NGGDPP grant. This MGS one-year grant cycle started July 1, 2024, to accommodate the Data Preservation Workshop held at the Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana in early August, hosted by the Indiana Geological and Water Survey (see photos below). The workshop was organized by the NGGDPP in collaboration with the Association of American State Geologists to share information and learning opportunities from successful efforts to rescue, preserve and disseminate geoscientific data.

“Sample Gates” constructed of Indiana limestone, at Indiana University, site of the 2024 Data Preservation workshop
“Sample Gates” constructed of Indiana limestone, at Indiana University, site of the 2024 Data Preservation workshop

In addition to participation in the Data Preservation Workshop, the MGS is working on tasks for several projects and an update:

Preservation of Drill Cuttings and Core from 2018 Guilford Storage Facility Salvage

This project builds upon work in previous years to rescue and preserve drill cuttings salvaged from a dilapidated storage facility (slated to be demolished). Specifically MGS will:

  • Remediate (repackage, reinforce, relabel) cuttings/core containers*;
  • Complete a detailed inventory and records for ~600 boxes of drill cuttings and ~100 boxes of core;
  • Identify/confirm borehole identifiers (IDs) and coordinates;
  • Create and submit updated metadata to the national Registry of Scientific Collections (“ReSciColl”) of the NGGDPP **;

*MGS purchased the supplies to replace and/or remediate containers for this collection independently
** Information about the Maryland Geological Survey collections is posted on ReSciColl at

Inventory of Paper Geophysical Logs

This project builds upon work initiated in FY2021 to inventory paper geophysical logs. Specific tasks for the current year:

  • Complete a detailed inventory of geophysical logs in paper format;
  • Identify/confirm borehole IDs and coordinates to the extent feasible;
  • Consolidate and systematically organize paper collection components;
  • Create and submit metadata to the ReSciColl;
  • Create an MGS collection webpage and interactive geophysical log mapper.

Update MGS Collections and Item-Level Metadata in ReSciColl

MGS will review metadata records for the MGS collections currently residing on ReSciColl. MGS will delete any previous entries that no longer serve a purpose, and update collection information for the remaining entries.

Critical Minerals Resources Data Compilation and Preservation Activities

This project builds upon work initiated in FY2023 to support geochemical analysis of Maryland rock samples by the USGS to assess potential for source rocks to host critical minerals. Specific tasks include:

  • Select and prepare ~160 samples from hand samples previously collected;
  • Provide supporting documentation of location, sample description and collection;
  • Submit samples for geochemical analysis to the USG Analytical Chemistry Project in a series of seven submissions of 20-25 samples;
  • Submit relevant data and NGGDPP-compliant metadata records to the ReSciColl;
  • Develop a long-range strategy for critical minerals relevant data preservation at MGS.


MGS submitted a new National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP) grant application in December 2024. A USGS-led panel has reviewed proposals for potential funding in FY2025 and recommended the MGS proposal for full funding.


Please click on the links below to view Final Technical Reports (FTRs) which document the tasks completed during each NGGDPP grant cycle.

Data Preservation Inquiries

For more information regarding MGS NGGDPP grants and associated activities, please contact:
Heather Quinn – 410-554-5522, or Anthony Resinger – 410-554-5541,