Maryland Department of Natural Resources

DNR Wildlife Trunks

September 1, 2014

White-tailed deer education trunk contents

Wildlife Education Trunks are available for checkout at the Maryland Geological Survey (MGS) in Baltimore City. The trunks available at MGS include:

  1. White-tailed deer
  2. Black bear
  3. Furbearer (14 species of mammals from foxes to raccoons)
  4. Wild turkey (new for 2014!)
  5. Growing Up WILD- early childhood kits

Trunks can be loaned for up to 2 weeks at a time, pending availability. Persons reserving the trunk will be responsible for picking up and returning the trunk to MGS. Proof of ID is required upon picking up the trunk. For directions/maps to MGS click here.

For information on the trunk contents as well as additional trunk locations, please check out the DNR webpage:

To reserve a trunk from the MGS location, please contact:
Heather Quinn
Office phone: 410-554-5522